

Friday, March 20, 2015

Wonderful squid fishing in Halong bay.

If you come to Halong, it will be a great lack without trying the night squid fishing. It would be very fantastic and joyful for every tourists. All the travelers are provided with fishing rods and racquets so that they can actively use them to catch squids. From the Halong Sealife cruise, you can both enjoy the starry night and atmospheric squid fishing activity.

Squid fishing at night

Tourists must be excited to clearly see light-drunken shoals of squids lazily hovering around; and, step by step each squid is enticed and picked up, remaining totally fresh and striving convulsively. Especially, during the squid season, it would be common to see large shoals of squids surrounding the cruiser and each tourist may catch an average of 30 squids for each squid fishing night.

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