


HaLong's Beauty


Trip ideas

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Visit local fishermen in Halong bay floating villages

Official Website of Huong Hai Sealife Cruise,Visit local fishermen in Halong bay floating villages 

Where is Halong bay?

Halong Bay, on Vietnam’s northeastern seashore, is usually thought-about one among the world’s most stunning bays. Ha long Bay is additionally vital for cultural and historical reasons. The bay could be a home of the traditional Viet people with occupation by numerous cultures chemical analysis back 18.000 years and plenty of necessary cultural and historical relics from these peoples are found. The fishing communities who live on the bay retain their own special culture.

Halong bay on the North of Vietnam

How about Halong bay Floating Villages info ?

The floating village is a cultural heritage and traveller attraction in Halong bay Vietnam. People are living in these homes for hundred of year with fishing as the main income activity. This stunning Bay is additionally famed for several floating fishing villages with regarding 600 residents who sustain through fishing and fish cultivation activities… it's a as if by magic calm place, associate escape the hustle of Vietnam streets. There are four residential areas of fishermen living on a bay, regarding four hundred households totaling more or less a thousand folks. The fishermen live on boats and floating picket houses within the coze-zone of Halong Bay, that is dozens of kilometers far from the mainland. they have no home or land possession and their main living is fishing and cultivation.

Cat Ba Island on your Halong trip

The guests usually visit fancy life in some villages such as: Vung Vieng Village, Cua Van Village, Ba Hang Village or Cap De Village in Hung Thang Commune. Cua Van is the largest village with about a hundred thirty floating homes and a population of regarding 600 individuals. Halong is incredibly wealthy of marine resource that the fishermen go on. They usually begin their work in the first morning and sell accomplishment for big boats carrying fresh fish to markets onto land.

Cat Ba Island. ideal destination next to Halong bay

The native villagers are the first inhabitants of Halong Bay who have lived on the ocean for many generations. They were created a various culture of fishing and living. within the peaceful atmosphere of fishing village, tourists will be welcomed with who food and song performance (in Vietnamese: “hat gheo” or “hat cheo duong”).

And catch fishingg with Halong bay's Fishmen!

You could simply transfer to floating villages by boats, junks or cruise tour daily on halong bay day cruise. During this halong bay day tours, you may each visiting floating village and be a part of activities: swimming, kayaking, diving…You ought to get pleasure from food to be created by native villagers otherwise you should purchase drying product and hand-made of native individuals for friends and family.

Tàu cao tốc lướt sóng bạc ra đảo Cô tô

6 Reason to visit Halong Bay on Huong Hai Sealife Cruise

Official Website of Huong Hai Sealife Cruise,6 Reason to visit Halong Bay on Huong Hai Sealife Cruise

Halong beautiful via Huong Hai Halong Camera

1. UNESCO Halong bay World Nature Heritage  
Halong Bay was first listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1994, in recognition of its outstanding, universal aesthetic value. In 2000 the World Heritage Committee additionally recognized Ha Long for its outstanding geological and geomorphological value. Hence Halong Bay is twice granted World Heritage status for a reason: It is really that picturesque. The trademark emerald green water and 3,000 islands of towering limestone are worth your visit. Sometimes you really need to believe the hype.
2. It’s all natural
Halong Bay is one of the most amazing places you would go to on planet earth because it's all natural and there is nothing additive or artificial involved with it. The stunning karst outcroppings in Ha Long are made of 3000 years of chemical reactions between limestone and dripping water. If the scenic rock scene takes such a long time to develop, it deserves your visit. Be aware that you will witness the amazingly changing, dynamic landscape.
3. Ecotourism site for the sustainability minded folks
The steep karst outcrops of the bay are not only beautiful, but ideal for rock climbing. It's fun to get off the cruise boat and paddle around the bay either in a kayak or a row boat. That way you can get up close to the limestone formations and get a different perspective. It’s magic in the truest sense of the word.
4. Fantastic cruise experience
For a stellar experience on the water, look no further than wooden boats called junks which are abundant in Ha long Bay and come in different price ranges. It is probably the best means of travelling in the region. A Junk voyage sailing through the wonders of this Bay could range from a few hours to spending a day or even a night on board but the experience is truly outclass and wonderful.
5. Sumptuous seafood menu
The culinary scene in Ha Long Bay is often overshadowed by the highly popular splendid island, and it deserves more than that, simply because the food is really excellent. You’ll find it hard to resist the plump shrimp, the delicate blush of an octopus tentacle, the meatiness of the rich crab meat served in a really light delicate broth made of clam nectar and garlic, and garnished with tiny slices of juicy limes.
If you insist on going local, nothing can beat a kayak to a fishing village to see locals going about their daily business, where a casual, friendly atmosphere pervades. Having the opportunity to peek and participate in their world is interesting, as you can experience catching some treats for yourself or making fishing nets with the locals.

Halong night market

Halong smile and sales culture in Halong Night Market.

Official Website of Huong Hai Sealife Cruise,Halong smile and sales culture in Halong Night Market.

"Since the program "Smile Ha Long" was launched, we seem to be more encouraged in implementing of cultural sales, especially in a resort for serving tourists. So we are smiling more friendly to greet every visitors coming here"- Mrs. Vu Thi Nhu, Leader of M8 block in Halong night market told us.

Halong Smile and sales culture in HALONG night market

Halong night market is the place for trading of nearly 200 small vendors, who were moved from the old temporary market in Bai Chay more than 5 months ago. The traders here said that: The current trade has gradually become more stable. The number of tourists visiting the market more and more crowded; beside Vietnamese, there are also the tourists from travel agents of Korea, Thailand, Hong Kong and so on. Therefore, the customers demand has also increased, compared to the first times of getting. Mrs. Nguyen Thi Xinh, a small business shared: "The market in a tourist area, seller hospital attitude, polite and civilized are the most necessary. When guests enter any kiosks, you have to welcome guests to introduce known characteristic products of Ha Long bay in particular and Vietnam in general . We believe that, it will give the visitors more good impression of Halong night market ".

HALONG night market is managed by Marine Plaza

In addition to the sales professional style, affable friendly smile, the Management Board also provides Market Regulation in building civilized market trading, as sales at list prices, ye-catching and logical arrage of commodity ; always ensure clean and beautiful Halong Night Market image.... Besides, each kiosk is arranged in open space and fully equipped with lighting, fire and security system which ensure business facilities stable and long lasting. Ms. Kerry Morton, CEO of Ha Long Marine Plaza Trade Centre, commented: In recent years, Quang Ninh has many directing in strengthening tourism business environment, towards building the friendly and hospitable images. Especially the program "Smile Ha Long" was launched as a positive move to enhance professionalism in the style of travel services.
Building Brand from the smallest job, from the most friendly warm smiles, not only the responsibility of local government, the province, but also the responsibility of every citizens, every businesses and investors. The Sales cultural beauty in Halong Night Market has been contributing to concretize the goal of building land Quang Ninh Land is worth working and living!

Chợ đêm Hạ Long- Halong night market

10 things to bring on your Halong tour

Official Website of Huong Hai Sealife Cruise,10 things to bring on your Halong tour

Summer is coming and many families have planned for their summer trip. Obviously, travelling to the famous coastal areas and beaches is the choice of many people for the cooling atmosphere, fresh water and the escape from the heat of the summer.
Of all the destinations, Halong bay seems to rank on top of favorite choices. If you have thought of visiting Halong, you should prepare enough the personal stuffs, especially you choose to join in the overnight cruise in Halong bay. Here is the list of things that you MUST bring to make your trip be more perfect!
1. Camera
Camera must be on top of the things you should bring for every trip, not only Halong bay tours! You don’t want to wait any moments in front of the amazing landscapes. I am sure that the scenery of Halong can stun every tourist, even the most tempted one! Therefore, don’t submerge your trip in regret just by forgetting to bring a camera.
Camera- 1st on 10 neccesary thing to bring for your Halong trip.
2. Battery charger
With the 2 days 1 night tour or even longer with Huong Hai Sealife Cruise Halong 3 days 2 nights 3D2N forget to bring the battery charge can be a truly disaster. I know that you don’t want to imagine how your rest of the tour would be without cellphone to contact with friends, play game on the car or just simply to know that your cellphone still works! Remember to bring the battery charger for your cellphone, camera and other devices (I don’t recommend you bring your whole house in case it can be lost)
3. Sun cream
Sun cream is not only important for the female but also for the male in the severely hot weather of the summer. Enjoying the trip is really cool, but bringing home a tanned skin is terrible! I strongly recommend you to bring the sun cream (with the SPF index over 30, at least)
4. Personal hygiene stuffs
On the Halong cruises, every room will be equipped with enough hygiene stuffs like shampoo, toothbrush, soap, etc… However, if you are a careful person, bringing your own is necessary. Some of tourists are even allergic to some substances, so it’s better for you to prepare themselves the personal hygiene stuffs.
5. First aid
On the day tour Halong, tourists can try variety of activities such as climbing or swimming. Getting hurt by falling or being bitten by some insects or jelly fishes are happenable sometimes. Therefore, preparing some simple first-aid is essential for making your trip safer and more careful. 
Top 10 things needed to brings on your Halong tour
6. Flip flop
Visiting cave is a part of interesting activities with cruise tour Halong. However, in some cave and grotto, the ground is very slippery. Moreover, you can also take a walk on the sandy beaches. Hence, preparing a flip flop is the good way for making your movement more comfortable and fitting with many terraces. It is absolutely better than a tough pair of shoes and easy to get wet. 
7. Swim suit
Don’t tell me you can go to swim without a swim suit! No matter you are a boy or a girl, swim suit is something indispensable in your luggage. If you are a fashionista, you don’t want to be weird in an awkward clothes in the beach. Preparing a comfortable but fashionable swim suit will make you more confident in the beach.
8. Umbrella and sunglasses
In the summer, the sunshine can be really intense and you can get really hot after walking or moving back and forth. An umbrella and a pair of sunglasses are something crucial to keep your whitening skin and protect your health.

Travel Experience to halong bay

9. Games.
Joining a cruise tour Halong bay with friends is something really joyful when you can spend time together. However, you don’t want to shorten your trip by oversleep at night or getting tired soon and come back room. Therefore, bringing some games like board games, cards, instruments is highly recommend to make your night more young and memorable.
10. Money!
Last but not least, money is something you HAVE TO bring for every journey, not only with Halong bay tours. For sure, you will need it at any times of your journey. You can have all the things above with money so never forget to pack it in your pocket.
 From: Traveling experience with Huong hai Sealife Halong Bay Cruise

Plan for a cheap Co To Island Trips

Official Website of Huong Hai Sealife Cruise,Plan for a cheap Co To Island Trips

From Cai Rong Dock (Van Don, Quang Ninh), it takes about 1.5 hours to get the island by speedboat, where you could spend about 3 days to explore and relax.

* Special chocolate cliffs on the island of Co To Isalnd / Three campsites welcomes summer sun
* The best halong bay cruise on halong bay Vietnam.

The most beautiful time for visiting Co To Island is the Summer, from April to September and 3D2N tours only costs about 1,200,000 VND / person.

Plan for a cheap Co To Isalnd trips

Co To Island belongs to Quang Ninh province, close to Cai Rong Dock, usually about 3 hours to get by train. Lately, about 5 years, it is the destination for young people to visit in the summer with many favorite activities on the sea and the night camp. Co To Island still remain untouched & wild features, the beaches with clear water, fine sand and underdeveloped service.
Co To Island still remain untouched & wild features
                         From aboard saw Coto Island with its sky blue wrapper.

From Hanoi, you can take a bus to Cam Pha, Cua Ong at My Dinh & Luong Yen bus station. Price at 200,000 VND / turn. Traveling time is about 4 hours. From here, you catch the bus to the port of Cai Rong, stay one night at the hotel/ motels near the port for early morning travel by boat to the island Co To the next day.
There are two types of ships to the island: High speed train departs at 13 PM all the day of week, for the time of 90 minutes, costs around 135,000 VND / way / person. Timber ship departs daily from the harbor at 6:30, takes about 3 hours.

Co To Island vehicle and transport
Co To Island vehicle and transport: Motorcycle rent 200,000 VND / day, bike or motorcycle taxi & taxi.

On the island, there is not much service, you should book in advance or bring extra food from the mainland with you. Morning markets located in a residential area of town, you can go shopping for more food for the meal.
In the evening, on sunset, along the coast there are many store selling of marine products at reasonable prices.

Co To Island food & seafood

Vacation spot ( Accommodation)
On the island there are not many motels, mostly should open with simple equipment. District Commissioner Coto guesthouse prices than 200,000 / room. Coto Lodge Hotel prices around VND500,000 / double room. And left the hostel prices ranges than 200,000 / room.
Note: The Grid of Electricity in Coto Island is so far not good so the power is cut off after 11pm. The hostel only have fans with no air condition.
Bac Van park , just in front of the Island, from the habor , you can see a 15 km in length beach which runs along to the end of the island. Big Wave beaches has a Casuarina road running along very beautiful
Hong Van beach, 8 km far from the town, is considered as the most beautiful beaches with turquoise blue sea water sea.
Van Chay Beach lies at ends of the island where the sunset is most beautiful and you remember to get back when the moon rises, the tide has withdrawn to expose a flat sandy stretched endlessly.
Co To Island lighthouse is located at more than hundred meters taller than the sea level, Here, you can see the whole of island. Visiting lighthouse, you need to have permission to climb to the station.
Co To Con Island, small islands located about half an hour far from CoTo Island when traveling by boat. To get to the island, you have to book the ship in advance. Boats depart in the morning and back in one day. Here, it has no residents and water so if you plan to have a picnic here, you have to prepare enough food and personal items.
Thanh Lan Island is also located near Co To Island, it has the boates to the island in the morning. Thanh Lan Island has many beautiful small beaches and you can go in one day.
Rocks CoTo, one of the most beautiful spots in Co To islands, where many couple choose to take wedding photos.

Co To Island parties at sunset

BBQ and camping on the beach is one of most people's favorite activities.

  • The food on Co To island is not rich and have many species so if you take big groups, buy enough food to carry with you. Seafood can be purchased in the Co To market
  • The evening on the Co To beach, there are many mosquito, bring items to avoid, Pls!
  • The weather at night is quite cold, be sure to bring a warm jacket.
  • If camping on the beach, you should choose no wind place and bring a flashlight.

Tags: Thanh Lan Island, Co To island , HALONG bay cruise , halong bay tours....

Cau My rock Island on Co To Island

Vietnam's landscapes dominate the top 27 natural wonders in Asia.

Of all the 27 fantastic natural wonders in Asia, Vietnam's nature landscapes were honorably listed: Halong bay (1st), Son Doong Cave (19th) and Can Gio Mangrove Forest (27th) by a trustworthy travelling website Smarter Travel (U.S.A)

Situated in the North-East region of Viet Nam, Ha Long Bay is a part of Bac Bo Gulf and comprises the sea area of Ha Long City, Cam Pha City and a part of Van Don island district (Quang Ninh Province). This is the place containing important traces of the formation and development of the Earth, the cradle of ancient Vietnamese people and considered as a great visual art work of the nature.

With outstanding aesthetic, geographical and geomorphologic values, Ha Long Bay recognized as world natural heritage site twice times in 1994 and 2000. The UNESCO-recognized zone has 775 islands spreading out the area of 434km² and looks like a giant triangle with Dau Go Island (in the west), Ba Ham Lake (in the south) and Cong Tay Island (in the east) as its three angle points.The bay covers a total area of 1,553km², including 1,969 islands of various sizes and different forms, 989 of which have been given names. There is extremely interesting cave system in the rocky islands. Ha Long Bay is also home to high biodiversity with typical eco-systems and thousands of fauna and flora species.

Nestled in the limestone mountains of Phong Nha - Ke Bang National Park, Son Doong Cave (Tan Trach Commune, Bo Trach District, Quang Binh Province) was first found in 1991 by Ho Khanh, a local man. In 2009, the cave was explored and published by a group of scientists from British Cave Research Association.

Son Doong Cave was formed 2-5 million years ago, when the river flowed through the limestone mountain area and was buried. The water eroded limestone and created an underground tunnel. In soft limestone areas, the collapse of tunnel ceiling formed large holes which became giant domes afterward. The cave is about 200m high, 200m wide and at least 8.5km long. Especially, Son Doong consists of two entrances, which is unique among explored caves in Phong Nha – Ke Bang National Park. Exploring the cave, visitors were surprised with spectacular scenery of numerous stalactites of which some giant stalagmites are more than 70m high. Deep inside the cave exists a grandiose tropical jungle called “Garden of Eden” by the explorers. The jungle is home to a diversified system of fauna and flora. Besides, the cave possesses a 2.5km subterranean river with layers of shells agglomerated in the river bed. Not far from the “Garden of Eden” lies an enormous “pearl collection” consisting of tens of thousands of small stone pieces in dry ponds, contributing to magnificent beauty of the cave.

Formed on the vast delta of the river mouths of Dong Nai, Sai Gon and Vam Co,Can Gio Mangrove Forest (Ho Chi Minh City) is a intermediate ecosystem between aquatic ecosystem and terrestrial ecosystem, freshwater ecosystem and marine ecosystem, including 150 flora species, 744 fauna species, 130 species of bird and 130 species of fish. In the core zone of ​​Can Gio Mangrove Forest - the convergence of most beautiful and valuable forests, Ho Chi Minh City invested to build Vam Sat Ecological Tourist Site with many attractions such as: crocodile farm, bat lagoon, bird yard, Tang Bong Tower, botanical garden and many games of fishing crocodile, sailing boats, rowing boats…

Can Gio is the green lung of Ho Chi Minh City and is assessed as the best restored, care and protected place in Viet Nam and worldwide. This is also the ideal place for eco-tourism and scientific research. On 21 January 2000, UNESCO recognized Can Gio as a world biosphere reserve.

The list of 27 amazing natural wonders in Asia voted by Smarter Travel includes Ha Long Bay (Viet Nam), Longdong (Taiwan), the Chocolate Hills (Philippines), Flaming Cliffs in Gobi Desert (Mongolia), Marble Rocks (India), Thi Lo Su Waterfall (Thailand), Natural Forest Park of Zhangjiaje (China), Al-Hasa Oasis (Saudi Arabia), Tubbataha Reef (Philippines), Karst Mountains and Caves in Guilin (China), Puerto Princesa Subterranean River National Park (Philippines), Kelimutu Mountain (Indonesia), Komodo National Park (Indonesia), Kuang Si Waterfall (Laos), Geysers Valley (Russia), Okama Lake (Japan), Tojinbo Cliffs (Japan), Lonar Crater Lake (India), Son Doong Cave (Viet Nam), Manjanggul Lava Tube (the Republic of Korea), Ta Prohm Temple Trees in Siem Reap (Cambodia), Tiger Leaping Gorge (China), Gunung Mulu National Park (Malaysia), the Stone Forest (China), Taroko Gorge (China), Lion's Rock Relic Site (Sri Lanka) and Can Gio Mangrove Forest (Viet Nam).

Friday, May 8, 2015

The electric bus service launching in Quang Ninh.

Quang Ninh province has imported five 9-12 seat electricity cars from Japan to serve the up-growing demand of tourists on Minh Chau- Quan Lan Island.

Electricity bus service in Quang Ninh Province.

They will pick up visitors at Quan Lan port, take them sightseeing to Quan Lan Commune, Son Hao beach and Minh Chau port before retracing their route.
The project is going to be launched in Halong to serve the demand of tourists in the Carnival Halong on May 2015.
Tickets will cost VND20,000 per section, VND35,000 from Minh Chau and Quan Lan port to Son Hao beach, and VND60,000 for the full route.

It will take a car travelling at 35km per hour 45 minutes to complete the round trip. Each will do four trips a day.
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